Check out the gallery install here at 2W 13th Street Parsons.
Category Archives: Experiments
Gallery Installation Hardware Unit
Spring Prototype 03
Spring Prototype 02
Moving forward with my data collection prototype I began to grow frustrated with all of the wires associated with the prototype. As a means to being to make these modules self standing I moved to the Xbee wireless protocol to connect the data. Traditionally to connect these units through to the internet a Digi Connect Port can be used. This was not a great option for me or my project as its importance to remain low cost and easily accessible. With connect ports running in the $200 range this would instantly put my project out of price range for most people.
My solution, was to set up a series 2 xbee with an ethernet shield and arduino. My system is now wirelessly connected to the network, through radio signals.
With this I can significantly cut down the price to allow individuals modular connected devices. I still need to refine the library more, but I will post it up for you all when its ready.
Spring Prototype 01
In order to jump start the process I decided to go back to the electronics and sensor network aspect proposed in earlier presentations.
This arduino and sensors connect to a php script which writes the data to a mongo database.
In order to view this data I built an html5/ javascript visualizer
Light Box
DIY WaterProof Digital Temperature Sensors
After a few weeks curing my test sensors are ready! Here is a video of the temperature sensors in action. I will be putting together more instructions for this soon. If you have questions post a comment. I used heat shrink, fish tank silicone, three OneWire temperature sensors.
Control System
Coming soon is my workings with the control system for a solenoid flow control. There have been some hurdles in regards to finding a way for arduino to reset itself. Thankfully, digging through endless forums has provided so results, thanks to Joe Saavadra.
The images below show the circuit created for controlling two 12VDC solenoid valves for my water cycling system.
The Test Circuit – a combination of darlington Transistors (TIP120’s) and N4004 Diodes
Half the circuit off the breadboard.The valves and tubing. Going to test these out with my sump pump and water soon. Hopefully there is no electrocutions.
Filtration Prototype
Part One: Build a Tank
Anyone interested in building a tank, let me know and I will give you a detailed parts list/diagrams. You’ll need a few very important, potentially hard to find parts.
Now its time to filter the water
Here are the purposed flow for the system and tank – you’ve probably already seen these, but take a look if not.